Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The truest test of love is if you're willing to keep fighting for it.

Wow...look at the time...yeah, sorry about that, seemingly non-existent readers!
You like the new font? I thought I'd switch things up a bit this time.
Anyway, moving on to what's been going on lately.
The past week or so, I have been doing something that sadly isn't new to me: fighting for a life that isn't mine.
My youngest kitten, about 3-4 weeks old, is battling an upper respiratory illness (yes, cats can get it too). I feel like it's ripping my heart out to tend to it and hear it wheezing and trying to manage a squeak to call out to its mother. To be honest, due to its young immune system, I figured this kitten would be gone by now. But it's not, and that gives me some comfort.
So, here I am, going outside every day with a wet napkin to wash its face and clean up it's poor little nose. Why? Because I have to. As long as there's something I can do for my little ones, I'll do it.
Because I love them.
And I always will.
Three of my older kittens ran away the same time this kitten was born. I have been heavily grieving this fact, and that is why I haven't updated for a while. My heart just wasn't into it.
People always call me the "crazy cat lady." I don't care, because I know I'm not. I don't give them all fru-fru names and carry them around like babies. I don't dress them up in little doll's clothes. I don't chain them to my house so they'll stay with me forever. Call me the cat lady if you will, but crazy I am not. I just love them and care for them and try to make their lives as happy as I can. I do grieve when I lose them, but wouldn't you do the same for a friend?
Most of all though, I will fight for them.
I will endure physical and emotional pain for the little ones that I am responsible for. Change that, I have endured. But I don't regret one single moment of them. I don't regret scouring the forest, calling for them. I don't regret hand-feeding them when they're too sick and weak to drink from their mother. I don't regret the bruises and scratches and scars I have gotten from relocating them to safer places. My only regret is that I lack in facilities and resources to care for them better.
Their lives are my life now, and I will fight for them as if for my own life.
Because I love them.
What do you do for the little things you love? For the ones you love?
Here's a better question...
What do you fight for?

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