Friday, August 2, 2013

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. Sometimes knowing when to give up is the real test of character.

I've been doing a lot of giving up lately.
I've given up on not one, but two men.
I've given up on getting better with my anxiety.
I've given up on finding love and companionship.
And I've almost given up on this blog.
Because I see no results.
One guy left me feeling like i was on a merry-go-round: going around in circles with no forward movement.
One guy just left: he wasn't interested anymore.
My anxiety? Dreadfully worse.
Love? How can i find it if i can't even manage going outside of my home?
I get about 3-10 views per week here. Most of them are from Russia...and i don't speak Russian...
I just feel like giving up on life and living the rest of it here in front of my computer playing medieval strategy games.
I had such high hopes for everything, but in the end, i was just let down again and again.
I feel like i'm hanging off the edge of a cliff, reaching out to anyone who would just reach down and help me back up. Instead, they stand there and watch me struggle for a foothold.
Doesn't anyone care?
Maybe this is good for me. Maybe i just need to find new things to focus on and move past the things that hurt me. Giving up isn't always a bad thing. It's bad only when there's so much more you can do. 
However, sometimes life gives us brick walls to faceplant into again and again until we wise up and learn to go a different direction.

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