Saturday, January 26, 2013

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.

Have you ever had one of those times in your life where you were left saying, "Ok, what's the catch?"
My anxiety is completely controlled, my semester is starting out pretty good, classes seem bearable, my relationship with my best friend is flourishing nicely...what else could go, well...right?
It's kinda scaring me right now though. I'm not sure if this "goodness" is going to last or whether I'm just sitting at the edge with my feet dangling off of the deep end.
I mean, come on. This is MY life we're talking about! Stuff like this just doesn't happen to me. A good day or two, yes, but not like this.
In other words, I'm back after taking a rather lengthy vacation of sorts from the blogging world.
What can I say? Being a college student, one learns to prioritize and passing classes outweighed rambling off to no one. At least that's what I thought before checking my stats today.
Four hundred eighty viewings on one post alone. WHAT? Someone or someones are actually reading my stuff? I have no idea but I'm curious as to how many of them were legitimate people.
Anyway, I really am speaking on my breath of fresh air in my life right now. It's January and 70 degrees outside. Yes, you heard me. It feels oh so much like spring! The refreshing breeze is utterly rejuvenating  and the trees are budding with those pretty pink blossoms. The only thing that's put a damper on my life lately was sleeping in too late one day and being 5 minutes late to the college chapel. I was totally devastated, if you could imagine...
So disappointing...
My Christmas vacation went great. I got a guitar for my birthday and got pretty far into teaching myself. Had a great time with family. My mother only aggravated me few times less than normal.
Like I said, life's pretty good right now. But that doesn't mean I'm cowering in fear waiting for the hammer to fall. Concerned, yes; terrified, not so much.
If you ever had or have one of these times in your lives, don't waste it. Take advantage of it! Whether it last a few days or a few years, if you're suspicious about karma or whatever the whole time, it just ruins it.
Enjoy the little moments of joy you experience when you have them. Flowers will wilt over time, so enjoy them while they are still fresh and beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog. Not sure what I was searching for but I was drawn in by one of your posts. I read them all and hope you continue to write more.

