Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When faced with two equally tough choices, most people choose the third choice: to not choose

"Make up your mind."
It's something we say/hear everyday, but don't really think about what it means.
"Make up"? We make up stories. We make up lies. Why should we make up decisions like that?
"Your mind" Yeah, because the mind is the most sane and reliable thing we possess. Ha!
Maybe that's why it's so hard to do sometimes.
My friend has been going on for a while now about whether or not he's going to "branch out" as he puts it. I don't think joining one different person for one time in two months is exactly what he had in mind. I thought I'd actually be nice and not possessive this time and suggest someone for him to hang out with.
Heavens, no!
That friend has too many friends! He can't possibly spend time with him! 
Ok...So, I told him he was perfectly welcome to join me whenever he needed, no strings attached.
No, no, no. That's no good either.
He wants to spend more time with GUY friends. That doesn't count me, seeing as I'm obviously not a guy. It was so nice to have my attempted kind gesture thrown into my face. More like, punched into my face.
So, today I asked if it was acceptable to go to lunch with him and his friend (who's a girl).
Of course! Why wouldn't we want you to come?
"Well, you said you wanted to spend more time with guy friends."
"Right now, I'd rather be with people I know."
He's flip-flopping more than politicians a week before the polls open!
I'd think he'd get dizzy from looking around at all these decisions he's making about the same thing. He can't seem to, well, make up his mind about what he's going to do. He wants to leave his group of friends, he wants to get closer to other people, but he doesn't want to be with the people he knows or the people he doesn't know. It's irritating, and I can't even imagine how irritating it must be for him.
It'd be like standing on those merry-go-rounds on the playground that we used to run around and hop onto. 
Faltering on a decision hurts. It hurts not only the person who is making the decision, but also those that will be affected by it. Waiting is the worst part. I've never been one to dwell in the unknown for a long period of time. Hmmm, one school year...that's pretty long I would say. So many months of just waiting for him to make up his mind and just DO something.
Please, for the sake of those around you, don't keep them wondering about what you're going to do if it affects them. The emotions you feel are overwhelming and they seep into those closest to you.