Thursday, July 16, 2015

Respect the emotion in someones heart rather than the expression on someones faces. Because expression is just formality but emotions are reality.

Updating once a year is good, right?
(I used to update like every day?? fuck that)
Yeah, I'm sorry to the whole -200 people who actually check up on here from time to time.

Today's topic: formality

I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of people who have known me for a while talking to me like I'm some frail old grandma. I can't decide if they just don't like me or if they're afraid of me.
FEAR NOT. I am no beast. I'm a really relaxed, easy-going person. (At least, I'd like to think so...)
You don't like me? Tough nuts.
I don't care if people I don't know don't like me. I do care when people who actually know me and have talked to me don't like me. That either means we are two completely different people OR there's something wrong that I need to fix.
I trust people to tell me the truth, and the truth is so easily hidden in formality. Like, I know you don't really talk like that. I want people to talk to me in text the same way that they would talk to me face to face. I actually feel more respected that way than when you "mind your p's and q's." It makes me feel like you can be comfortable around me and be yourself (NOT Mr. Darcy.) 
Don't like, let it ALL hang loose though. A little decency is much appreciated! 
It's all part of me wanting to feel like I'm actually normal. When people are so formal to me, it feels like I'm giving off a persona that is actually not me. THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM.
If you're trying to impress me, don't try. Just be yourself.
If you're a stranger writing to me about something, ok fine.
If you've talked/written to me several times and don't like me, don't let me know---just stop communicating.
If you've (ditto ditto ditto) and actually like me (not like like, just normal like), please please please talk to me as if you're talking in real life. I can't express that enough.
You may think you're respecting me or whatever, but you're actually kind of offending me.
I'm not weird, I swear.